Invitation to discernment
The misconception about discernment is that we are looking for the best answer to a particular question or for the best solution in a particular situation or looking to find God’s “will” for our life. Discernment is a much deeper subject than this. It requires silence, waiting and listening. We cannot find true discernment until we have learned to practice the rhythms of grace--solitude and silence, Sabbath, listening, prayer; and are beginning to see the world from the perspective of an incarnational participant. When we are paying attention to God’s shaping hand in our lives, he can reveal his heart to us. In this retreat we will explore how the rhythms of grace provide a context for discernment in our lives.
To Ponder...
"One great need of the church today is to experience the dynamos leadership of Christ as its Head. The Scriptures promise us that Christ's Spirit will be with us, will guide us, and will lead us into all truth. This is the most striking implication of one's belief in the resurrected Lord. If Christ is alive, he desires to lead His church. If Christ desires to lead his Church his will should be sought. If his will can be sought, it can be discerned, and if it can be discerned, it deserves to be obeyed. This is nothing more than the basic Christian life."
--Paul Anderson
--Paul Anderson